(03-28-2012, 08:29 PM)cathb Wrote: Glad you got the merch you wanted. I missed out on the premium package but got everything else on my list.
I went ahead and bought the World CD only to discover today that it is the Korean version....lol. So I need to re-buy it to match the rest of my Japanese version collection.
glad everyone had a wonderful time. i'm counting on there being a next time.
Cath, where were you able to buy the world cd? are any other goods available anywhere online? really wanted a pamphlet to go with my collection.
They had them for sale. Just a cardboard cover on it.....no jewel case. They also had copies of Butterfly for sale. Since the one European site has them for sale, I am hoping that cdJapan will eventually get them. Or artist deli.
Wish I had known you wanted a pamphlet. I would have been glad to get one for you.
oh yeah, i saw another mention of that somewhere about the cds.
i meant to have posted a request, but it slipped my mind until everyone was traveling. i'll keep that in mind for the future, thanks. :)