(03-10-2010, 06:27 PM)Hedelex Wrote: Ok Tokio, however you say, we will all cooperate n_n
Ideally, it would be nice to be able to translate everything, but it's just not feasible in the real world. Such translations would be a full time job (keep in mind, mods don't get paid), and it would be chaotic. At the moment we have 9,854 posts, and who knows how many more we'll get.
I think even with the languages given their own section, everything will still work out. There will be some cross posts by bilingual users I'm sure...and if a good idea is posted in another language then anyone is free to translate it to share with others.
Although, I will add a Google Translate toolbar thing, so if people are curious they can run the foreign sections through the translator and get a rough idea as to what others are talking about.
If anyone is feeling ambitious it might be nice to translate the first post of the poll into other languages and post them..somewhere..so that foreign fans can vote also.
If you do translate the post then please give me the link to where it is and I'll post the link on the first post. You can post a translation here..or in the International section...or on another foreign forum..or wherever. (make sure you mention what language the translation is in)
Not required, but it might be nice for non-English speakers to be able to vote as to which way they prefer.