~motto tobe~
Shows: L'Arc~en~Ciel
New York City 2012~ dreams DO come true TT TT
RE: Beast 2nd LP by Vamps what are you thoughts
hmm... I haven't heard the whole album yet. T T
I don't think I'll really know how I feel about the song's until I've heard them Live anyway.
I know when I heard their first album, there were really only 4 song's that I enjoyed initially, and then listened to repeatedly afterward.. COSMOS, EVANESCENT, REDRUM, and DEEP RED. But AFTER hearing VAMPS LIVE, I listened to the album all the time on my iPod without skipping any songs....only something I used to do when listening to L'Arc and HYDE~
When I heard the song's live, it was like I heard new things in the music I hadn't heard at first...the song's just sounded better, and it probably had something to do with hyde being right there too, like I could feel the emotion's in his voice properly.
Though so far with BEAST the song's I like, I like a lot. Those being REVOLUTION, GET UP, MY FIRST LAST, MEMORIES, and RUMBLE. I'm sure the other song's will grow on me the same way the first album did.
I don't think it's like the song's are bad or anything XD I think it just like hyde said, VAMPS are making music to play live. And I think they're doing a pretty damn good job if I do say so myself~
(This post was last modified: 07-21-2010, 01:59 AM by thalia.)
07-21-2010, 01:44 AM |