Ok you VAMPSaddicts...I really, really need you guys to send me your artwork and/or messages to VAMPS. I posted a thread about this already, but no one has responded to it. Epic fail, I know. However, in all seriousness, this fanbook
will be an EPIC FAIL if I don't receive enough submissions.
For those that don't know, I am working on a fanbook for VAMPS that I will try to give to them at their show in L.A. The fanbook will consist of messages, artwork, photos, etc...from VAMPS fans all over, especially here in America. More importantly though, this book is definitely geared towards people who are unable to attend the show. I want you guys to be able to have your voices heard, especially if you can't make it to one of the shows. I think it'll be great for VAMPS to see all the lives they've touched & all the people they've united through music.
I had been thinking about doing this project for along time now, but I really, really need your participation! Please help me make this book a reality & not just an idea. I don't care where you're from, as long as you're a fan of VAMPS, you are invited to share your stuff.
Here are some guidelines:
1. All traditional artwork such as drawings and paintings (no oil paintings please!) should be done on 7x7 inch paper (8.5 x 11 inch is fine, but will have to be re-sized). OR you can scan your work. OR you can take a photo of it (if you choose to do so, do it outside during the day. Natural lighting works best in these instances).
Scans and photos should be e-mailed to me here:
2. Any traditional letters (i.e. non-email), should be scanned. I can't provide an address for you to send it, sorry. If you don't have a scanner, I'm sure your local copy/print place or a nearby FEDEX Kinko's would be happy to help you. Your letter scans or e-mails with your messages to VAMPS should be sent here:
Also, please put your heart into your message and let them know how you feel. Messages like "omgyouguyseffingrockandiheartyouforever" are a bit distasteful, not to mention, hard to read.*lol* Please keep in mind that VAMPS' English comprehension is somewhat limited. Your message also doesn't have to be an autobiography, either. Sometimes, less is more. However, you can make it as long as you want, which is perfectly fine with me. Please keep your messages appropriate and you can use your judgment in that regards.
*You're also welcome to PM me your note to VAMPS.
Deadline for artwork submissions, letter scans, e-mailed messages, etc...is:
JUNE 1st, 2009
This is because it will take a while for me to put this together, especially if I receive a lot of submissions. I need time to arrange the submissions, edit the book, bind it, etc...and I need extra time in case I experience technical difficulties or the place where I may have the book binded screws up the book somehow. Unfortunately, these things happen sometimes, so I need to prepare for it & make sure your VAMPS-tastic submissions look VAMPS-some. ;)
Please, please, please help me out!! Onegaishimsu (please)! Also,
I'm a big supporter of respecting people's privacy, so please just include your first name and if you're comfortable with it, your city & state/ or country. I think it'll be great to show VAMPS that we VAMPSaddicts are all over!! So, let's kick-start this project into action!!
