Current time: 03-11-2025, 06:34 AM
Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
K.A.Z x Ponyo promotion queen
Shows: Paris
Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
Maybe you've already seen the new bizarre  picture on the VAMPS' homepage. Since I've seen it I am wondering if I can trust my eyes  . The person (girl? boy? not sure  ) in the lower left corner has something written on her arm. Is it BERLIN?
04-22-2010, 03:41 AM |
Senior member
Shows: Los Angeles - Avalon Hollywood
Great American Music Hall - San Francisco
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RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
(04-22-2010, 03:41 AM)derMauersegler Wrote: Maybe you've already seen the new bizarre picture on the VAMPS' homepage. Since I've seen it I am wondering if I can trust my eyes . The person (girl? boy? not sure ) in the lower left corner has something written on her arm. Is it BERLIN?
I had wondered what that was, too, when I saw it. They should have put 'VAMPS" on
While we are asking trivia....the blonde model looks very familiar. Has she been in other videos? I know her face from somewhere but cannot figure out from where as yet.
04-22-2010, 07:23 AM |
VAMPS Brazilian Street Team
Shows: Santiago, Chile
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
I'm sorry, I haven't seen it... but what pic are u guys talking about???
04-22-2010, 08:04 AM |
K.A.Z x Ponyo promotion queen
Shows: Paris
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
She reminds me of the blonde girl in the Laruku video clip "Drink it down", but I haven't really compared yet  .
@Koizumi: The new pic on the vamps homepage.
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2010, 08:08 AM by derMauersegler.)
04-22-2010, 08:06 AM |
VAMPS Brazilian Street Team
Shows: Santiago, Chile
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
On Cuz it's the same one from yesterday and over months (at least in here... o_O) has it changed? The one I see is from the model "lickin' Hyde...
04-22-2010, 08:19 AM |
K.A.Z x Ponyo promotion queen
Shows: Paris
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
Huh? If you click here VAMPS homepage MAIN you should see the new photo, Hyde and Kaz sitting amongst a bunch of girls (as far as I can see, I'm not sure if there are boys, too, it's not clear enough).
04-22-2010, 08:50 AM |
VAMPS Brazilian Street Team
Shows: Santiago, Chile
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
That's SO ODD, I can't see that, I see Hyde and K.A.Z. and the girl trying to lick Hyde o_O'''''
04-22-2010, 08:58 AM |
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
I'm not sure what it says on that person's arm.
About the models..I think they use some of the girls over and over. The girls from drink it down..I think one of them was in another video also? I don't remember, but I think I saw one of them in another video..Trouble maybe? So I wouldn't be surprised if they were used again.
04-22-2010, 09:09 AM |
K.A.Z x Ponyo promotion queen
Shows: Paris
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
@Koizumi: maybe you need to clear your browser cache?
@Tokio-at-School: yes, exactly. I guess there is one certain model agency with which they are in contact and from there they often book the same models. Sometimes I also thought I saw a model in a Gackt video before  . Good friends share nice girls  , hehe.
04-22-2010, 09:27 AM |
VAMPS Brazilian Street Team
Shows: Santiago, Chile
RE: Trivial question about the new pic on the VAMPS homepage
@derMauersegler Thank u, it worked now xD
Some strange people in this picture... but SO VERY artistic, I can't stop lookin' at it! *-*
04-22-2010, 11:23 AM |
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