(06-25-2011, 01:51 PM)polarwhiteseal Wrote: are translations coming soon? :)
don't know how accurate this is, but this was posted in the comments earlier today
"naohit0719 11 hours ago
h:Because this tune is very fast, I think that everybody is surprised. Do not miss it.!
We made it to bright lyrics because it is the 20th anniversaries of the formation. All of us spoke, "Let's stop saying gloomy things".
h:And, our "happy goods" is this. This is called sunglasses. This is very convenient,becouse It is easy for me to watch the swimsuit (with this)! I do not worry about my eyes ,and I can see (the woman who put on) a swimsuit.- tetsuya taught that to me. I cannot go to the sea without this because I am embarrassed.
Becky should also buy this by all means. ...This is called sunglasses."
and she said basically that hyde was cool and she would remember "sunglasses". or so i was told.
so even the shy pervs of L'Arc can ogle the babes on the beach without difficulty. and since they were ALL wearing them at that moment of reveal, obviously it is a band rule even yuki applies. makes you wonder if that is why they wear them so frequently when there is no need, or if it is a means of hiding when they doze through interviews and the like.
speaking of, saw this sc on twitter..self explanatory lulz. and a pre- or follow-up from tumblr. thanks to whoever posted those. i was giggling too hard in the middle of the night to be observant.
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2011, 08:43 PM by mamikochan.)