Shows: warped tour ct, baltimore sonar
RE: impressions
(08-01-2009, 12:07 PM)Yumeko Wrote: OK FINALLY I can post my thoughts now that I'm back home and at a computer... beware; this is long and copy/pasted from my live journal ^^
What can I say? Where to begin? The concert was more than I expected. It was highly energetic and emotional. Simply put; it was amazing! The entire day from start to end was incredible and by the end of the night I had run into Hyde, Kaz, and Ju-ken at various times during the span of that Monday at the Hard Rock Hotel.
I don't want to waste too much time on it, but this was essential to how I ended up running into the band as much as I had. I checked into the hotel on Saturday; a very, very busy day for Las Vegas. We checked in very late, near midnight I believe, and as a result there were no rooms available; at least not any rooms for the price we paid. Because of that we were upgraded to a suite in the brand spankin' new Paradise tower. We were warned that there might still be some construction going on but that the rooms were really nice and we'd be the first people to stay in the suite because the tower had only really been open two days before our arrival. I really didn't think much of it until Monday when I was walking down the long hallway of the Paradise tower with my two friends, Rachel and Marina (so they could drop off their luggage as they couldn't get a room till 3pm), and Ju-ken walked right past us!
Since I wasn't on the look out for any musicians and wasn't expecting they'd be staying at the same hotel as the venue, I was a little taken aback when he walked by. But there was no mistaking his hair and that twisty braid in his beard that he's got going on. It was definitly Ju-ken, the bassist for VAMPS, for S.K.I.N., and more famously, for Gackt! I immediately turned to my friends, "That was Ju-ken." I said softly in an excited tone. I was too elated to go chase after him to confirm if it really was Ju-ken until Rachel said, "Let's follow him." We giggled a little as we turned around, luggage in tow, as we started down the hall. As he turned a corner we ran into my dad. "Was that one of the band members?" He asked. Yes, yes it was, but by that time Ju-ken was gone and so we headed back to my room to drop off their luggage.
After that I went out to lunch at Mr. Lucky's which was inside the hotel, near the Wasted Space venue, and for a moment we let ourselves forget we had just run into Ju-ken in the hallway as we ate. However, by that time they were able to check into a room and I was left to scout the area and line up as soon as others began to. What I came to find out was that people had taken it upon themselves to number each other. As we couldn't line up officially till 3pm, this was the only way to get in line. It was unofficial and not guaranteed to work but I figured it was best to get a number just in case and so my group was numbered 21-24. Once I had my number I relaxed again and wasted five more dollars on a slot machine before getting up and strolling to another machine. It was then, that unexpectedly, I ran into Kaz! He had a tall white guy walking with him and he was wearing big sunglasses but there was no mistaking him. I called out his name and waved and he turned, smiled, and waved back. It was awesome and it served to make me feel even more elated and anxious about the concert. He left into the Wasted Space venue and I was left kicking myself for not having my album and marker handy but it still felt awesome to run into Kaz like that. He passed by once more towards Paradise tower later. I couldn't believe it, the band was staying in the same little under populated area of the hotel as me! Unbelievable!
My friends were still getting ready for the concert in their room and by this time it was after 2pm, I had my cd, and I was hanging around the hallway between Paradise tower and the parking garage, talking to two other VAMPS fans when suddenly my Dad spotted Ju-ken coming back down the hall towards Paradise tower. While the three of us were too star struck to speak and interrupt Ju-ken in his walking, my Dad spoke up, said hello and asked if we could have his autograph. Ju-ken said yes and for a moment I was even more speechless as I handed him my album and marker to sign. Finally, I spoke up and said thank-you and something about seeing him before at the S.K.I.N. concert to which he smiled and shook his head like 'oh yeah I remember that concert'. I also then said something about how awesome he was and thank-you again for the signature before my Dad asked if it was alright to take a picture. Ju-ken agreed and I got a picture with him. He also signed something for my Dad and something for the two other girls who also got a picture with him. I also thanked Ju-ken -again- for being so nice to take pictures with us. I worried we were putting him out but he seemed very cool with it. My Dad even shook Ju-ken's hand, lucky dog. I was still too shocked to even do that.
Well, I hung around the hallway as long as I could, till 3pm. I hoped Kaz and Hyde would pass through and I'd get their signatures too; but no luck. I headed back to the line and told my friends about the encounter and then nothing much more exciting happened. I did meet Sean/Shawn/Shaun (however he spells it) one of the staff for VAMPS. He has very long braids and approached me in the tower before I left. He was admiring my long braids, which seemed to be an ice breaker as quite a few people would comment on my hair. Even Friday, at the Hard Rock Cafe, before I left for the airport, some waiter said "Now that's rock." And motioned to the length of my hair. Well anywho, Leon, one of the security guards for Hard Rock Hotel that worked the concert and the line, came up and played with my hair before asking me about it. My group talked to him a good deal before and concert.
Well, anywho, fast forward to the concert and venue XD The stage was smaaaaaaaaaaaall. I would estimate that it was maybe the width of my bedroom which is about 11 or so feet. The members, in relation to each other were like this... drummer in the back right of the stage. Kaz about 2 or 3ft in front of the drummer with 1 or 2ft to spare in front of himself. Hyde was in the middle, perhaps several feet from Kaz and then several feet to the right of him, the left side of the stage, was Ju-ken. I could, if I had wanted to and didn't care that I might piss someone off or get in trouble, could have touched Kaz's guitars. They were right next to me and were being handed up to him right next to him. Oh btw, I was right up against the stage almost, perhaps 2ft away. While I was all the way to the right of the stage, I could see very clearly, Kaz, Hyde, and Ju-ken. It wasn't center but I could see very well and I wasn't getting pushed around as hard. For that, I'm thankful. I found out later my Dad was standing behind me and was keeping all the girls off me so perhaps that helped XD
I don't remember the order of the songs, but looking through my CDs I can say for sure, Love Addict, Secret in my Heart, Evanescent, Vampire Depression, Redrum, I gotta Kick start now, Time Goes By, Sweet Dreams, Sex Blood Rock N' Roll, Trouble, Jesus Christ, Countdown, Dolly, Made in Heaven, It's Sad, Hide Away, and Midnight Celebration were all played. Hunting and Cosmos were probably played too but I don't like those songs as much so I don't recall them. Hyde did a lot of funny things during the concert. He was such a tease. Shook his hips, let the girls grope him, and spoke to us. I recall him saying things like "where's my baby?!" Then looking around the crowd. He also said stuff like, "I want you to get crazy", "are you having fun? ... me too~", "get fucking crazy" , and he talked about how much he likes gambling at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino because he can gamble to such great music. He said he had fun gambling but somehow he would always lose. We all laughed and awed. I think I was just like woo'ing at whatever he said; I couldn't believe I was even there at all. He said Kaz won some money and Kaz teasingly rubbed his knuckles on his shoulder as though to say nonchalantly "Yeah, I did pretty damn good." Hyde then asked if Ju-ken won, but he lost too. And he asked the drummer. It sounded like he won a little too.
It's all a jumbled mess in my mind but I recall the band switching spots on the stage and each just really rocking it out there on that little stage. Ju-ken was amazing, Kaz was also amazing with his guitar tricks, and Hyde was of course fucking amazing as well. By the end of the concert I got pushed back a little by two little Japanese girls who were pushing pretty damn hard. They were really the only ones that pissed me off and I admittedly pushed back some. I kind of had to otherwise they would have pushed me right past the baracade and I didn't want to lose my spot. I wasn't violent, but I was a wall that was -not- going to be knocked down. *flexes imaginary muscles* My patience and endurance paid off in the end as I not only got to touch Hyde's leg and have my hand slapped by his; but Kaz slapped a guitar pick right into my hand as well as my Dad's. It was awesome! I didn't get any VAMPS cups; didn't know they were handing them out for free after the concert and I was too afraid to ask others if they would donate me one from the many sets they had collected; but I had two Ju-ken autographs and two Kaz picks. So I felt good. Btw, I don't know who it was, but a girl fell down next to me at the end of the concert and I tried my best to help her up to her feet. I was also by the people that found Kaz's finger nail O.o yikes! I don't think I'd want a fingernail from anyone, even Gackt, but I suppose that's a unique souvenier.
Anywho, the night was young and after a few pictures with Rachel and Marina, we hurried down to the Paradise tower. Well, kinda hurried. We were all wearing heels so we kinda zombied our way down there and sat down to rest on the couch just before the elevators. By the way, did I mentioned that I found out the band was on the 8th floor (I was on the 7th)? Well, I did. I know they were on the 8th because one of the staff, at some point during the day, got in the elevator with me and pressed 8 and then talked to me about if I was there for the show and where I came from. It was an older Japanese lady; I don't know who she was. Anywho, as we waited on the couch, more staff passed by. I swear I must've seen J. I don't know what he looks like; but I heard he has short hair. Is he Japanese, small slender guy, and wears glasses? If so then he passed by me LOTS of times. If I had known it was him I would have said hi ^^ Well, we waited there until we saw Hyde. We hoped Kaz and Hyde would walk by and I could get their autographs. When we were about to give up and Rachel and Marina were half out of it; low and behold, Hyde and Kaz walk by, not but a few feet in front of me. I think they were with Ai. I don't know; I was too afraid to ask for autographs or pictures afterall but I spoke up and said, "Good show!" And then Marina said "thank you!" And then Hyde and Kaz turned and smiled real big and waved. They may have said something but I was too focused on Hyde's smile to hear anything. It was a good night and I managed to touch/meet Ju-ken, Kaz, and Hyde. We then ended the evening with dinner at Mr. Lucky's and we gobbled down some VAMPS pringles as well. They were... Vampsalicious? Is that a word? ...I think so XD
OMG!!!! You're so lucky!!
08-01-2009, 01:08 PM |
It glows!
Shows: Los Angeles~San Francisco~Las Vegas!
RE: impressions
(08-01-2009, 12:07 PM)Yumeko Wrote: OK FINALLY I can post my thoughts now that I'm back home and at a computer... beware; this is long and copy/pasted from my live journal ^^
What can I say? Where to begin? The concert was more than I expected. It was highly energetic and emotional. Simply put; it was amazing! The entire day from start to end was incredible and by the end of the night I had run into Hyde, Kaz, and Ju-ken at various times during the span of that Monday at the Hard Rock Hotel.
I don't want to waste too much time on it, but this was essential to how I ended up running into the band as much as I had. I checked into the hotel on Saturday; a very, very busy day for Las Vegas. We checked in very late, near midnight I believe, and as a result there were no rooms available; at least not any rooms for the price we paid. Because of that we were upgraded to a suite in the brand spankin' new Paradise tower. We were warned that there might still be some construction going on but that the rooms were really nice and we'd be the first people to stay in the suite because the tower had only really been open two days before our arrival. I really didn't think much of it until Monday when I was walking down the long hallway of the Paradise tower with my two friends, Rachel and Marina (so they could drop off their luggage as they couldn't get a room till 3pm), and Ju-ken walked right past us!
Since I wasn't on the look out for any musicians and wasn't expecting they'd be staying at the same hotel as the venue, I was a little taken aback when he walked by. But there was no mistaking his hair and that twisty braid in his beard that he's got going on. It was definitly Ju-ken, the bassist for VAMPS, for S.K.I.N., and more famously, for Gackt! I immediately turned to my friends, "That was Ju-ken." I said softly in an excited tone. I was too elated to go chase after him to confirm if it really was Ju-ken until Rachel said, "Let's follow him." We giggled a little as we turned around, luggage in tow, as we started down the hall. As he turned a corner we ran into my dad. "Was that one of the band members?" He asked. Yes, yes it was, but by that time Ju-ken was gone and so we headed back to my room to drop off their luggage.
After that I went out to lunch at Mr. Lucky's which was inside the hotel, near the Wasted Space venue, and for a moment we let ourselves forget we had just run into Ju-ken in the hallway as we ate. However, by that time they were able to check into a room and I was left to scout the area and line up as soon as others began to. What I came to find out was that people had taken it upon themselves to number each other. As we couldn't line up officially till 3pm, this was the only way to get in line. It was unofficial and not guaranteed to work but I figured it was best to get a number just in case and so my group was numbered 21-24. Once I had my number I relaxed again and wasted five more dollars on a slot machine before getting up and strolling to another machine. It was then, that unexpectedly, I ran into Kaz! He had a tall white guy walking with him and he was wearing big sunglasses but there was no mistaking him. I called out his name and waved and he turned, smiled, and waved back. It was awesome and it served to make me feel even more elated and anxious about the concert. He left into the Wasted Space venue and I was left kicking myself for not having my album and marker handy but it still felt awesome to run into Kaz like that. He passed by once more towards Paradise tower later. I couldn't believe it, the band was staying in the same little under populated area of the hotel as me! Unbelievable!
My friends were still getting ready for the concert in their room and by this time it was after 2pm, I had my cd, and I was hanging around the hallway between Paradise tower and the parking garage, talking to two other VAMPS fans when suddenly my Dad spotted Ju-ken coming back down the hall towards Paradise tower. While the three of us were too star struck to speak and interrupt Ju-ken in his walking, my Dad spoke up, said hello and asked if we could have his autograph. Ju-ken said yes and for a moment I was even more speechless as I handed him my album and marker to sign. Finally, I spoke up and said thank-you and something about seeing him before at the S.K.I.N. concert to which he smiled and shook his head like 'oh yeah I remember that concert'. I also then said something about how awesome he was and thank-you again for the signature before my Dad asked if it was alright to take a picture. Ju-ken agreed and I got a picture with him. He also signed something for my Dad and something for the two other girls who also got a picture with him. I also thanked Ju-ken -again- for being so nice to take pictures with us. I worried we were putting him out but he seemed very cool with it. My Dad even shook Ju-ken's hand, lucky dog. I was still too shocked to even do that.
Well, I hung around the hallway as long as I could, till 3pm. I hoped Kaz and Hyde would pass through and I'd get their signatures too; but no luck. I headed back to the line and told my friends about the encounter and then nothing much more exciting happened. I did meet Sean/Shawn/Shaun (however he spells it) one of the staff for VAMPS. He has very long braids and approached me in the tower before I left. He was admiring my long braids, which seemed to be an ice breaker as quite a few people would comment on my hair. Even Friday, at the Hard Rock Cafe, before I left for the airport, some waiter said "Now that's rock." And motioned to the length of my hair. Well anywho, Leon, one of the security guards for Hard Rock Hotel that worked the concert and the line, came up and played with my hair before asking me about it. My group talked to him a good deal before and concert.
Well, anywho, fast forward to the concert and venue XD The stage was smaaaaaaaaaaaall. I would estimate that it was maybe the width of my bedroom which is about 11 or so feet. The members, in relation to each other were like this... drummer in the back right of the stage. Kaz about 2 or 3ft in front of the drummer with 1 or 2ft to spare in front of himself. Hyde was in the middle, perhaps several feet from Kaz and then several feet to the right of him, the left side of the stage, was Ju-ken. I could, if I had wanted to and didn't care that I might piss someone off or get in trouble, could have touched Kaz's guitars. They were right next to me and were being handed up to him right next to him. Oh btw, I was right up against the stage almost, perhaps 2ft away. While I was all the way to the right of the stage, I could see very clearly, Kaz, Hyde, and Ju-ken. It wasn't center but I could see very well and I wasn't getting pushed around as hard. For that, I'm thankful. I found out later my Dad was standing behind me and was keeping all the girls off me so perhaps that helped XD
I don't remember the order of the songs, but looking through my CDs I can say for sure, Love Addict, Secret in my Heart, Evanescent, Vampire Depression, Redrum, I gotta Kick start now, Time Goes By, Sweet Dreams, Sex Blood Rock N' Roll, Trouble, Jesus Christ, Countdown, Dolly, Made in Heaven, It's Sad, Hide Away, and Midnight Celebration were all played. Hunting and Cosmos were probably played too but I don't like those songs as much so I don't recall them. Hyde did a lot of funny things during the concert. He was such a tease. Shook his hips, let the girls grope him, and spoke to us. I recall him saying things like "where's my baby?!" Then looking around the crowd. He also said stuff like, "I want you to get crazy", "are you having fun? ... me too~", "get fucking crazy" , and he talked about how much he likes gambling at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino because he can gamble to such great music. He said he had fun gambling but somehow he would always lose. We all laughed and awed. I think I was just like woo'ing at whatever he said; I couldn't believe I was even there at all. He said Kaz won some money and Kaz teasingly rubbed his knuckles on his shoulder as though to say nonchalantly "Yeah, I did pretty damn good." Hyde then asked if Ju-ken won, but he lost too. And he asked the drummer. It sounded like he won a little too.
It's all a jumbled mess in my mind but I recall the band switching spots on the stage and each just really rocking it out there on that little stage. Ju-ken was amazing, Kaz was also amazing with his guitar tricks, and Hyde was of course fucking amazing as well. By the end of the concert I got pushed back a little by two little Japanese girls who were pushing pretty damn hard. They were really the only ones that pissed me off and I admittedly pushed back some. I kind of had to otherwise they would have pushed me right past the baracade and I didn't want to lose my spot. I wasn't violent, but I was a wall that was -not- going to be knocked down. *flexes imaginary muscles* My patience and endurance paid off in the end as I not only got to touch Hyde's leg and have my hand slapped by his; but Kaz slapped a guitar pick right into my hand as well as my Dad's. It was awesome! I didn't get any VAMPS cups; didn't know they were handing them out for free after the concert and I was too afraid to ask others if they would donate me one from the many sets they had collected; but I had two Ju-ken autographs and two Kaz picks. So I felt good. Btw, I don't know who it was, but a girl fell down next to me at the end of the concert and I tried my best to help her up to her feet. I was also by the people that found Kaz's finger nail O.o yikes! I don't think I'd want a fingernail from anyone, even Gackt, but I suppose that's a unique souvenier.
Anywho, the night was young and after a few pictures with Rachel and Marina, we hurried down to the Paradise tower. Well, kinda hurried. We were all wearing heels so we kinda zombied our way down there and sat down to rest on the couch just before the elevators. By the way, did I mentioned that I found out the band was on the 8th floor (I was on the 7th)? Well, I did. I know they were on the 8th because one of the staff, at some point during the day, got in the elevator with me and pressed 8 and then talked to me about if I was there for the show and where I came from. It was an older Japanese lady; I don't know who she was. Anywho, as we waited on the couch, more staff passed by. I swear I must've seen J. I don't know what he looks like; but I heard he has short hair. Is he Japanese, small slender guy, and wears glasses? If so then he passed by me LOTS of times. If I had known it was him I would have said hi ^^ Well, we waited there until we saw Hyde. We hoped Kaz and Hyde would walk by and I could get their autographs. When we were about to give up and Rachel and Marina were half out of it; low and behold, Hyde and Kaz walk by, not but a few feet in front of me. I think they were with Ai. I don't know; I was too afraid to ask for autographs or pictures afterall but I spoke up and said, "Good show!" And then Marina said "thank you!" And then Hyde and Kaz turned and smiled real big and waved. They may have said something but I was too focused on Hyde's smile to hear anything. It was a good night and I managed to touch/meet Ju-ken, Kaz, and Hyde. We then ended the evening with dinner at Mr. Lucky's and we gobbled down some VAMPS pringles as well. They were... Vampsalicious? Is that a word? ...I think so XD
Aha, you go girl! Your dad is the one who told us to get the numbers on our hands. I was standing behind your group in line and even commented on your hair. You turned around at one point and told us to push forward so those older drunk ladies couldn't skim us of our spot in line XD
We walked past Ju-ken twice and never said anything :(, but he went straight to the hotel room after the after party at Mandalay Bay. At least, he wasn't on the casino floor with us and the other guys that we saw. KAZ stuck his head out of the curtain while we were sitting at the bar while they were still doing sound check before the show and we got a smile and wave.
BUT YAY! I'm happy for everyone who got to meet them/touch them/get autographs. This is truly an experience I will never forget. The group we collected is talking about going back for L'arc's 2011 anniversary in Japan. We're working on Gackt, too, although he said recently that he would prove there weren't any national barriers... hope that means he'll come back here and do a show! If the VAMPS fans were crazy... oh Jesus, I'd hate to see all of Gackt's fans in a small packed club like Wasted Space XD
∙ New York √
∙ Hawaii √
08-01-2009, 09:25 PM |
Shows: Las Vegas
RE: impressions
^ HAHA right right I remember your group now. I thought the numbers idea was a good idea but it was kinda lame when some people took advantage of it and got their numbers and then came back to get in line at a little before 7pm when all of us had been standing around "officially" since before 3pm.
Well, I don't think I'd go to Japan for the L'arc anniversary concert. They said it's going to be a world tour so L'arc will come back to the USA. I really hope Gackt does a concert here too. There are 4 groups/singers I can think of at the moment that I would fly across the USA for... Gackt, L'arc, D, and Dong Bang Shin Ki aka Tohoshinki HAHA
ohoh wait... one more... Buck-Tick. I'd fly for that if they ever came to the USA.
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2009, 03:05 AM by Yumeko.)
08-02-2009, 03:03 AM |
Shows: ♥Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas♥
RE: impressions
(07-31-2009, 02:18 PM)Billkwando Wrote: (07-31-2009, 01:06 AM)iceybabes Wrote: I don't remember any of it hardly at all except Kaz stepping on my fingers accidently
Not the sort of contact you were looking for.
Did you ever get to meet him and/or give him your book? I've been waiting to hear that story. Maybe I missed an autograph thread?
No I gave it to Heather to give to him in LA...I wanted to give it to him in person but I don't know where my head was...*sigh* I wish I would have then I could have seen his reaction.
08-04-2009, 02:52 PM |
Shows: New York.
RE: impressions
(08-02-2009, 03:03 AM)Yumeko Wrote: Well, I don't think I'd go to Japan for the L'arc anniversary concert. They said it's going to be a world tour so L'arc will come back to the USA.
This is off-topic, sorry ! But you're serious? I haven't heard this...
L'Arc will actually come back to the US for the anniversary concert?
*does happy dance*
08-07-2009, 07:49 AM |
Charter Member-Oldest Living VAMPS Fans-
08-07-2009, 10:51 PM |
Shows: warped tour ct, baltimore sonar
08-08-2009, 05:33 PM |
Senior member
Shows: Los Angeles - Avalon Hollywood
Great American Music Hall - San Francisco
Hard Rock Cafe - Las Vegas
RE: impressions
(08-08-2009, 05:33 PM)ssynny Wrote: (08-07-2009, 10:51 PM)mamikochan Wrote: (08-07-2009, 07:49 AM)Mi-tan Wrote: (08-02-2009, 03:03 AM)Yumeko Wrote: Well, I don't think I'd go to Japan for the L'arc anniversary concert. They said it's going to be a world tour so L'arc will come back to the USA.
This is off-topic, sorry ! But you're serious? I haven't heard this...
L'Arc will actually come back to the US for the anniversary concert?
*does happy dance*
continuing with the off-topic...EHHH? Yumeko, do you mind my asking where you saw that L'Arc was definitely doing a world tour to include the US? it would be great if they did, because i doubt i could get to Japan for the 20th anniversary, but i haven't seen anything concrete about any of their plans.
I really hope they do. I know that someone was telling me that Tetsu really didn't like the US when they went to Baltimore. If that's his only impression, then of course he'd dislike the US. I hated baltimore (no offense to anyone )
But Hyde likes the US and L'arc had a good time when they went to Vegas to film. The problem with the word "world" is that it could mean anything. They could do Korea, Taiwan, and parts of Europe and call it a world tour because it encompasses more than one continent.
08-08-2009, 05:39 PM |
Shows: warped tour ct, baltimore sonar
RE: impressions
(08-08-2009, 05:39 PM)cathb Wrote: (08-08-2009, 05:33 PM)ssynny Wrote: (08-07-2009, 10:51 PM)mamikochan Wrote: (08-07-2009, 07:49 AM)Mi-tan Wrote: (08-02-2009, 03:03 AM)Yumeko Wrote: Well, I don't think I'd go to Japan for the L'arc anniversary concert. They said it's going to be a world tour so L'arc will come back to the USA.
This is off-topic, sorry ! But you're serious? I haven't heard this...
L'Arc will actually come back to the US for the anniversary concert?
*does happy dance*
continuing with the off-topic...EHHH? Yumeko, do you mind my asking where you saw that L'Arc was definitely doing a world tour to include the US? it would be great if they did, because i doubt i could get to Japan for the 20th anniversary, but i haven't seen anything concrete about any of their plans.
I really hope they do. I know that someone was telling me that Tetsu really didn't like the US when they went to Baltimore. If that's his only impression, then of course he'd dislike the US. I hated baltimore (no offense to anyone )
But Hyde likes the US and L'arc had a good time when they went to Vegas to film. The problem with the word "world" is that it could mean anything. They could do Korea, Taiwan, and parts of Europe and call it a world tour because it encompasses more than one continent.
Do you think they'll confirm it sometime in the near future?
08-08-2009, 05:49 PM |