Shows: Las Vegas
Otakon Q&A
Since Otakon/Sonar show was a sort of joint thingy I'll post this here instead of in General.
First of all, they were late. It said the panel was going to start at 1:30 but it didn't start until about 2.
I was sitting in third row on the edge by the door where they came in. After we got in there/were getting settled they popped in the VAMPS TOUR 2008 dvd and played a song or two.
After the panel started Ai worked as translator. They answered questions that were submitted to Otakon website plus 4-5 questions from fans in the audience.
When they were answering questions submitted to Otakon website Ai would call out the submitters name so they could stand up and say where they were from. A few times after Ai would call someone HYDE would try saying their name also. It was cute.
The panel was pretty short but I still don't remember all the questions. Here's what I remember sort of: (not direct quote, just a rough recap - not in order)
Something about if they could have any super power what wouuld it be and why:
HYDE: Said he would want the ability to fly. Not high but low because it would be a nice feeling. While he was answer he kept flying his hand around like he was demonstrating.
K.A.Z: Said he wanted invisiblity so he could go in the girls bathroom.
If you could meet anyone dead or alive then who would it be:
HYDE: Jesus Christ
K.A.Z: He wanted to think about it. Said he would let us know when he figured it out (he never told us)
What singer do you like (not counting HYDE):
HYDE: Jim(or Van?) Morrison (I don't remember exactly). It looked like HYDE couldn't think of his name so he was pulling is hair out like he was trying to describe what the guy looked like.
K.A.Z: Sting
Would they consider every going on tour with someone else like Gackt (everyone started cheering; HYDE looked surprised but laughed) and if so who?
Answer: Sting/Police
It took them awhile to answer so I think HYDE just threw out the name XD
Did you get a chance to eat American food and if so whats your favorite, something like that.
HYDE laughed and said....crabs! The place exploded in cheers. Then I think he also said "I ate too/two" and laughed some more
Have you ever been to Chicago and would you consider doing a concert there:
HYDE: No (everyone 'awwwed' but he meant he had never been there)
Then he said he would like to go to Chicago
Something about has anything in America inspired you:
HYDE: Americans being open and expressive makes him feel he can be more open and expressive. People in Japan are very reserved but here you can be more open. He also said he almost wishes they didn't have to leave (not sure about this one. He either said it here or at the end)
K.A.Z: I don't remember exactly but he said something about how he feels more friendly.
By the end of it HYDE was eating cake. I think K.A.Z said something about us wondering if his cake was good. HYDE smiled then held up the fork like he was going to offer it to us...then shoved it in his mouth. His expression was like "ha! Take that!"
And that's all I remember. People who got questions answered got a free gift. The panel seemed pretty short but fun. There was a lot of laughing. No pictures/video allowed.
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2009, 10:44 PM by Tokio.)
07-17-2009, 10:42 PM |
Senior Member
Shows: Baltimore
RE: Otakon Q&A
(07-17-2009, 10:42 PM)Tokio Wrote: Since Otakon/Sonar show was a sort of joint thingy I'll post this here instead of in General.
First of all, they were late. It said the panel was going to start at 1:30 but it didn't start until about 2.
I was sitting in third row on the edge by the door where they came in. After we got in there/were getting settled they popped in the VAMPS TOUR 2008 dvd and played a song or two.
After the panel started Ai worked as translator. They answered questions that were submitted to Otakon website plus 4-5 questions from fans in the audience.
When they were answering questions submitted to Otakon website Ai would call out the submitters name so they could stand up and say where they were from. A few times after Ai would call someone HYDE would try saying their name also. It was cute.
The panel was pretty short but I still don't remember all the questions. Here's what I remember sort of: (not direct quote, just a rough recap - not in order)
Something about if they could have any super power what wouuld it be and why:
HYDE: Said he would want the ability to fly. Not high but low because it would be a nice feeling. While he was answer he kept flying his hand around like he was demonstrating.
K.A.Z: Said he wanted invisiblity so he could go in the girls bathroom.
If you could meet anyone dead or alive then who would it be:
HYDE: Jesus Christ
K.A.Z: He wanted to think about it. Said he would let us know when he figured it out (he never told us)
What singer do you like (not counting HYDE):
HYDE: Jim(or Van?) Morrison (I don't remember exactly). It looked like HYDE couldn't think of his name so he was pulling is hair out like he was trying to describe what the guy looked like.
K.A.Z: Sting
Would they consider every going on tour with someone else like Gackt (everyone started cheering; HYDE looked surprised but laughed) and if so who?
Answer: Sting/Police
It took them awhile to answer so I think HYDE just threw out the name XD
Did you get a chance to eat American food and if so whats your favorite, something like that.
HYDE laughed and said....crabs! The place exploded in cheers. Then I think he also said "I ate too/two" and laughed some more
Have you ever been to Chicago and would you consider doing a concert there:
HYDE: No (everyone 'awwwed' but he meant he had never been there)
Then he said he would like to go to Chicago
Something about has anything in America inspired you:
HYDE: Americans being open and expressive makes him feel he can be more open and expressive. People in Japan are very reserved but here you can be more open. He also said he almost wishes they didn't have to leave (not sure about this one. He either said it here or at the end)
K.A.Z: I don't remember exactly but he said something about how he feels more friendly.
By the end of it HYDE was eating cake. I think K.A.Z said something about us wondering if his cake was good. HYDE smiled then held up the fork like he was going to offer it to us...then shoved it in his mouth. His expression was like "ha! Take that!"
And that's all I remember. People who got questions answered got a free gift. The panel seemed pretty short but fun. There was a lot of laughing. No pictures/video allowed.
That sounds awesome!
Was Vamps' official cameraman there, or one for Otakon?
If you enjoy acoustic music, check out Hirakawachi 1-chome / 平川地一丁目
07-17-2009, 11:04 PM |
Shows: Las Vegas
RE: Otakon Q&A
There was a camera person there. I didn't bother to check if they were VAMPS staff or Otakon staff though
07-17-2009, 11:06 PM |
Junior Member
Shows: July 16th, Sonar, Baltimore MD
RE: Otakon Q&A
I wish I could have gone to that too.
07-17-2009, 11:22 PM |
Senior Member
Shows: Baltimore
RE: Otakon Q&A
(07-17-2009, 11:06 PM)Tokio Wrote: There was a camera person there. I didn't bother to check if they were VAMPS staff or Otakon staff though
I don't think I got to see you @ the show yesterday. I was looking around for you after 6, but you didn't have a special t-shirt one, and the best description anyone could provide was that you were thin.
You may have seen me. Tall blonde guy, long hair/goatee, purple t-shit
The Vamps guy is japanese and has a camera on a pole. He's in the YT videos from where they show up @ the Fillmore.
If you enjoy acoustic music, check out Hirakawachi 1-chome / 平川地一丁目
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2009, 11:26 PM by Billkwando.)
07-17-2009, 11:25 PM |
Shows: Las Vegas
RE: Otakon Q&A
Aww, you were looking for me? Sorry T_T I saw tons of people so I might have seen you. And yeah, no vamps tshirt. I was wearing a white button shirt with and striped shorts with a bathing suit underneath XD I was right behind jrockisjoujou while in line. (Though, when the sun came to our side I stood behind the trailor that was parked so that I could be in the shade). She got one picture with me, maybe she'll post it.
On Topic: I really hope they put the whole Q&A on the dvd. There was so much laughing and with a few of the questions the boys didn't know how to answer so they had to think for awhile. I don't remember what question it was but HYDE gave one girl a thumbs up and said it was a good question. XD
07-17-2009, 11:32 PM |
Usagi Hoshino
Vampress Mod
Shows: L'arc~En~Ciel 20th Anniversary WT:
- New York (first time seeing L'arc~!)
- London
- Paris
RE: Otakon Q&A
Haidoist got her question answered!! ^_^ and Hyde asked her what her costume was ^^" and she said: .. no one xD
It was fun ^^ Hyde kept eating cake xD
L'Anniversary~! <3
07-18-2009, 09:02 AM |
Vamps Kitty
Shows: Columbia, Baltimore (and Otakon)
RE: Otakon Q&A
The panel was awesome! I love how Ai would call out someone's name a few times to read off their question, and then Hyde would start calling the person's name, too. It was really great. I saw the cameraman recording the entire session - I really hope there's going to be some way to see the footage.
Btw, did anyone notice a sort of older woman in a long purple dress with blonde hair? She cut the line both at the panel AND Sonar.  She apparently paid someone $20 to get a spot close to the front of the line at Sonar, and then she cut almost all the way to the front at Otakon. I tried to find a staff member to tell, but I couldn't find anyone and didn't want to lose my own spot at the panel (I ended up sitting right behind her, too). It made me so mad.
07-18-2009, 10:51 AM |
Shows: warped tour ct, baltimore sonar
RE: Otakon Q&A
If it is on the dvd, how much does it usually cost??
07-18-2009, 01:08 PM |
Usagi Hoshino
Vampress Mod
Shows: L'arc~En~Ciel 20th Anniversary WT:
- New York (first time seeing L'arc~!)
- London
- Paris
RE: Otakon Q&A
Japanese dvds go from $50 up to $80
L'Anniversary~! <3
07-18-2009, 08:17 PM |