[ JUL 13th Sendai ]
- Changed set list. So cool!!!
- HYDE: White puff sleeve long shirt, python tanktop, damaged denim, black boots.
- JIN: Mohawk.
- HYDE MC: "We were on the radio yesterday. There were many wedding dresses around the radio station. I think I'm going to try one." There's a large wedding chapel and shops around there. HYDE must have seen some of them. Audience shouted "HYDE TRYYYYY!!!" HYDE "Me? I'll be yabai. You're gonna die! Die! K.A.Z looks better than me in wedding dress." K.A.Z "I look better." HYDE imitated his voice, "I do look better!"
- HYDE MC: "You like to swing towels? What are you going to do if you throw your towel and get two towels back to you? Don't you lose yours?"
- HYDE kissed fan's Kuma-chan.(=teddy bear) She wrote "Kiss me" on it and brought it with her.
- Encore, HYDE appeared with chewing gum. He took it out, wrapped it up with tissue, then he was going to throw it to the audience
but he stopped and threw it on the stage near him.
- HYDE MC: "I'm Gyu-tan" He said again. "You always eat gyu-tan, don't you? You must be very good at using your tongue then."
- "I heard Neko(=peg boy) is more popular than Tachi(=opposite)." WHO TAUGHT HIM THAT!
- "Temporary title of next song was Ika(=squid). Oh don't say I'm smelling squid." (This part actually he meant dirty jokes but I can't translate. haha)
- K.A.Z appeared encore with a toy bubble maker. He enjoyed like a kid making lots of bubbles above the audience.
- Smoke from under the stage was too thick and it was blown towards K.A.Z. He was almost white-out instantly.
- Flame near Ju-ken in MY FIRST LAST. I was worried it would catch his hair.
- Ju-ken threw his silk hat away and started head banging. K.A.Z saw it and looked very impressed.
- When TROUBLE started Ju-ken put on heart-shaped glasses with pink frames. Believe me, looks better than you may imagine.
- After the show, they came out from the venue. In a car, HYDE was center window, waved to us. Ju-ken was rear window taking photo of fans outside. I couldn't see K.A.Z.