Shows: Chile! Woohoo!!
Hmm, I do see your point in versatility *nodnod* Still, I find other songs much more VAMPS-ish and much less L'arc-ish, versatility and all.
Say, one of my favorite songs y Redrum, which is very VAMPS indeed, but I also adored Evanescent when it was released, and right now I'm in love with Angel Trip. Kyuketsu is not exactly my cup of tea xD But I loved Devil Side. So I CAN see what you mean in the whole versatility thing. But these songs DO sound to me like they are pure VAMPS... as opposed to Memories which completely caught me off guard by having such a huge resemblance to what I'm gonna go ahead and call the L'arc~en~Ciel sound... at least in my head, this song sounds a lot more like L'arc than it should, and since it sounds all that much like L'arc and all that less (?) like VAMPS it fails at getting my full attention and approval.
Which is not to mean that it's a bad song. Quite the contrary, it's very nice, just... not one of my favorites. And in my opinion, not one that reflects the whole VAMPS essence.
I don't know if you got what I mean xD I can be weird at times. But then again, that's just me and my opinion, and I respect all of yours <3
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2010, 08:09 PM by Saku.)
06-23-2010, 07:50 PM |
~motto tobe~
Shows: L'Arc~en~Ciel
New York City 2012~ dreams DO come true TT TT
I don't hear L'Arc at all @_@
06-23-2010, 07:51 PM |
Junior Member
Shows: San Francisco!
definitely agree that it sounds like l'arc~en~ciel!!
but MEH its still good
06-23-2010, 08:02 PM |
I like it.. it still vamps song but with l'arc taste, maybe this is what j mention about a song with l'arc taste. after i love rock and roll a l'arc song with vamps taste and now memories the opposite.
06-23-2010, 11:17 PM |
K.A.Z x Ponyo promotion queen
Shows: Paris
(06-23-2010, 07:50 PM)Saku Wrote: I don't know if you got what I mean xD I can be weird at times.
I think I know exactly what you mean, I just could have not expressed it like you (English being not my native tongue...). Somehow songs like Memories and even Angel Trip "irritate" me  (although I really like them), because they are not that "Vamps-ish"  as I expected. When I take the Vamps album, these songs/pieces are VERY Vamps-ish for me:
Love Addict
Vampire Depression
Sex, Blood and rock'n roll
And while I really like Evanescent I often skip it when listening to the complete album just because it is not what I want to listen to when I want to listen to Vamps.
So... as for the new songs I prefer Devil Side, Live Wire and Kyuketsu over Angel Trip and Memories for the same reason. The songs just don't fit in the "typical Vamps" sound image I have  . I have to sort of get used to these songs. In the end I always like them for what they are, it's just that I am not immediately "hooked". Devil Side and Live Wire blew me away immediately, especially Live Wire  , I was completely going crazy over that song  , I still do, for Angel Trip and Memories I need more time...
06-24-2010, 02:36 AM |
Shows: Chile! Woohoo!!
Ahaha English isn't my native tongue either ;D *is Argentinian* but I'm glad to have been able to put into words what you needed to say.
Ah yes, those are my feelings exactly. And I know about Angel Trip, but it still kept a little something of VAMPS.
Memories on the other side, was too much L'arc for me to handle xD
06-24-2010, 06:13 AM |
Heidi x Hyde
Shows: Went to the Avalon in L.A. One of the top 5 best moments of my life!!
LOL I have a confession. When I first learned about VAMPS I was so excited for new Hyde stuff but I listened to the 30 sec track previews and didn't like ANY of it at first!! But then I remembered that 30 sec track clips are often misleading so I listened to the full singles and then the album and I was just hooked. I just LOVE all the covers they do. When Hyde did Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds back in the day, my roommates overheard me listening to it and they thought it was just fantastic (and it is! haha) and Life on Mars and Live Wire are just....soooo great haha. Kyuketsu too! The only song I actually skip regularly for VAMPS stuff is It's Sad.......I don't know why I'm just not a big fan of that one. Granted, that was originally from Hyde's Faith album but VAMPS play it at their lives...
Which leads me to a question...what is considered Hyde solo and what is considered VAMPS? Because they seem to play stuff from the Faith album from time to time but you never hear any 666 stuff. I think a lot of the 666 tunes are VAMPS-worthy...specially ones like Prayer. Obviously Roentgen wouldn't qualify haha but I wondered about that....
And, Saku, opinions of all kinds are always respected and appreciated :)
Harumi & Slotwink: Sometimes fan girls deliver the best fan service.
06-24-2010, 12:40 PM |
Shows: Baltimore (2009)
(06-24-2010, 12:40 PM)harumi Wrote: Which leads me to a question...what is considered Hyde solo and what is considered VAMPS? Because they seem to play stuff from the Faith album from time to time but you never hear any 666 stuff. I think a lot of the 666 tunes are VAMPS-worthy...specially ones like Prayer. Obviously Roentgen wouldn't qualify haha but I wondered about that....
They played Hello and Hideaway (I think) in the US last year, and I think they almost always play Midnight Celebration, but I think that's been about everything from 666 since 2008. Officially, HYDE ends with Faith and VAMPS begins with Love Addict, but I believe Faith was the album where K.A.Z started getting much more involved in the project, which was why it changed from HYDE to VAMPS to give K.A.Z more credit. So it makes sense that while they're VAMPS they would prefer to play the stuff that K.A.Z had more influence on.
06-24-2010, 01:03 PM |
Symphony of Lamentful Lust
Shows: July 16 - Baltimore, Maryland
(06-24-2010, 12:40 PM)harumi Wrote: Which leads me to a question...what is considered Hyde solo and what is considered VAMPS? Because they seem to play stuff from the Faith album from time to time but you never hear any 666 stuff. I think a lot of the 666 tunes are VAMPS-worthy...specially ones like Prayer. Obviously Roentgen wouldn't qualify haha but I wondered about that....
And, Saku, opinions of all kinds are always respected and appreciated :)
They played a lot of songs from 666 in 2008. SWEET VANILLA, THE OTHER SIDE, HELLO, HIDEAWAY, MASQUERADE, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and MIDNIGHT CELEBRATION. Also, I heard that they played PRAYER in Oregon last year. As for ROENTGEN songs, they've taken to playing EVERGREEN and SHALLOW SLEEP during the acoustic section of their lives. The reason they play a lot of stuff from FAITH is because until BEAST is released, it will be their second most recent album.
So to answer your question as to what is HYDE solo and what is VAMPS, I don't think they choose any song under a setlist with that in mind. I think they just play whatever they feel will make the live fun, which is why they sometimes even play HONEY (L'Arc) during lives. It's hard to explain, but like, I don't think that they think about VAMPS as something different. While a few things have changed here and there, I think that once LOVE ADDICT was released, it was just like releasing another HYDE single, but under a different name. At least that's the way I saw it.
06-24-2010, 03:24 PM |
Senior Member
Shows: Avalon, Hollywood 10/01
Really no difference in my opinion. Well small ones actually. HYDE is VAMPS now. VAMPS is just giving credit to two people, hyde and KAZ as oppose to HYDE, which you only think hyde.
VAMPS is different because they only create music suitable for lives. hyde mentioned, now dont take my word for it, that he doesn't like the recording session and would like to jump into playing these songs live. But he understands that the fan has to listen to the songs on CD first before coming out to see the band.
VAMPS is still playing HYDE songs because I think they still haven't finished the transition stage yet. Like VAMPkito said, they are still lacking VAMPS songs. But I personally hope they don't stop playing HYDE songs though, but no doubt it will be a lot less soon...
06-24-2010, 04:43 PM |