RE: Your Thoughts On MOON CHILD and Kagen No Tsuki
Wheeeee!!!! I saw those movies too!!! ;w;
I dicovered Moon Child a week after I began listening to L'arc~en~Ciel, I learned "HYDE" acted with "Gackt" there, googled, found Vanilla PV and decided I must had that movie! So I went to a local store and ordered... it took almost two months to arrive X-D So I saw it on youtube clips in advance >.> It took forever but I couldn't wait!!! LOL Anyways... I found it a little "yaoi" and was surprised about the lack of fangs too, then I read that Gackt said it was more about the characters than the fact they were vampires, gunmen, mafia lords or whatever, that they had tried to focus on the personal level, the emotions... and I found a major flaw: The lead roles were not performed by actors. I mean they both act "fine" but when you have a whole movie on your shoulders, "fine" is not enough. Also the visual effects had the quality required for a TV show, not neat enough IMO. A lot of questions were left unanswered, it felt like a much longer movie that was compressed, and not very good at that because you have some too long scenes and in contrast, the apparent lack of a few key scenes. And on a more personal opinion, I didn't like the ending! they were young and beautiful and eternal with a grown up kid and they couldn't think of anything better than suicide?
All that said... this movie has a special place in my heart, I made a group cosplay of this movie and we all became really close for a long while. It was a beautiful experience, because, for me, what I couldn't see in their faces in the whole movie, I felt when listening Orenji no Taijou (however it is spelled) In fact... when I remember the movie, or see AMVs, or see that show where Gackt sung the song dressed like Sho and HYDE-Kei was not there... ;w;
The memories move me more than the actual movie X-D I could not rate it, because of the meaning it has to me. I love the movie, with its achievements and failures.
Kagen no Tsuki
I was very excited about Last Quarter, I craved to see him in the role of Adam, a friend was a fan of the manga and sent me pics. I was very shocked about the changes in the character because Adam was supposed to be a very sweet expressive guy and in the movie he's seems to be a victim of autism :-p Still I was very moved when he cried and jumped from that roof u.u
I think the movie advances slowly, also some thinks don't seem logical, like Mizuki being in the line between life and dead enough time for his boyfriend to get to the hospital running (I thought the person who showed Mizuki the picture was the same portrayed in it).
I loved the beach scene and the texture overall is interesting, it does feel like an anime but I don't dislike it.
BUT in the end HYDE's character gets almost the same he gets in Moon Child: no reward. ¬_¬ I love/hate the epilogue where he is left alone in the boat, it is too cruel.
I have the movie too X-D It is not one of my favorite movies and I regret Adam was such a stiff character, I appreciated the Evil Eye documentary production but more weight would have been nice. Also I love the costumes *w*
Now... I want to see Gackt in BUNRAKU, Josh Hartnett said on interwiew that he was a great actor, we'll see. I can't wait!
Get ready for 2010
who kidnapped Santa Claus? X-D