(05-07-2012, 11:40 PM)cathb Wrote: (05-07-2012, 01:21 PM)VAMPkito Wrote: So the track list has finally been confirmed. Rather or not the artists will sing in English or Japanese remains uncertain, but judging by the fact that some of the titles have been translated into English (i.e. Niji is now RAINBOW), it's pretty safe to assume it will be in English. However, the bonus tracks will contain covers by Japanese bands as well, so it may be worth it for those who are still a little uneasy about the prospect of western bands covering Japanese songs.
01. Blurry Eyes / Vince Neil
02. NEO UNIVERSE / Orianthi
03. RAINBOW (Niji) / TLC
04. HONEY / Eric Martin and John 5
06. snow drop / Boyz II Men
07. Vivid Colors / Maxi Priest
08. HEAVEN'S DRIVE / Michael Monroe
09. STAY AWAY / Daniel Powter
10. flower / Clementine
Plus four bonus tracks by Japanese artists:
12. Shout at the Devil / SID
13. Caress of Venus / Hemenway
14. Driver's High / TOTALFAT
I've never even heard of the last two. Yet another band I must look into. Overall, I'm still really looking forward to seeing what these artists come up with. It's a pretty good list of songs, but none of these songs would be ruined by a lackluster cover.
Yeah, now that they've added SID to it, it will go on my "to buy" list.
They always get into your wallet somehow.
you've got that right. SID is a great incentive. Mao did a really good job on Inner Core back in 2007 JITB. with Sakura on drums. [aren't there mp3s of a couple more l'arc songs by SID floating around out there? i'd swear i have them somewhere, but not where i can find them. >.<]
they should've gotten MUCC to do a song, like a reprise of Shinshoku~lose control~, or Takanori[TMR] and Glay could try another one..or Kiyoharu. { RSG and HONEY respectively, also at JITB and Kiyo's sung with Hyde a few times.."Husk" lol ^ ^}. if they asked all of their fanboys alone, they'd have an all star album.

i'm only partly kidding. ^ ^
the very idea of this screws with my head, but, i'm glad they have Boys2Men doing snow drop, not metropolis. XP i'm not sure about Vince Neil and Blurry Eyes. Shout At The Devil would've been so perfectly ..ironic?
most of the younger bands on the list i don't really know, at least by name. if someone played one of their songs or showed a vid clip, i might recognize them. it's that way with most western music these days. even bands i've loved for years, i'm ashamed to say, i have no idea what they are up to. we'll see.
and what about the TWENITY dvd? most of those tracks i saw listed are already on dvd. true, mostly one of the FLA collections. i wonder what the criteria for selection was and who chose them? same with the Tribute cd, who picked these bands?