(12-14-2010, 08:23 PM)kamola Wrote: Here's another upcoming photobook called 'VAMPS BEAST in the WORLD' published by Sony Magazine. Release date March 14th 2011.
I wonder which one is better ?
long comment guys, sorry. >.<
they have too many photobooks on sale at one time!! how confusing! i cannot tell which one is being checked out for sale by CDJapan by
vegetapr69 from all of the previous comments, but i have tried to separate the two by subject and original sale site so we can get it straight. or at least so i can, as i really want both, but need to be conservative with the cash.
am broker than broke here at c'mas time. so of course there are at least 4-5 L'Arc/Hyde things i want atm, goshdarnit!!.
sooooo, i feel pretty positive that this one [http://www.sonymagazines.jp/book/detail.php?goods=013458] is just the photobook of the original set which included the mekuri style calendar for 6666yen. if you click on the blue {▼ポストカードタイプ・カレンダー『VAMPS MEKURI 2011』とセットになった限定版はこちら}at the bottom of the box, it takes you to the site with the VAMPS BEAST in the World pb+mekuri calendar page. [http://www.sonymagazines.jp/book/detail.php?goods=AAA360] reservation is listed as catchbon-[▼ reservation here>
http://www.catchbon.jp/ ] dec9,2010-feb14,2011.
the other book for sale by CD-DL Data [http://www.cddata-mag.com/info/index.html#infvampspbk] is the VAMPS Tour in Japan book.
this is the one that comes with a tshirt and ?box? in the special 6666yen edition, while regular 2500yen edition is pb only(maybe a postcard set of 2 cards comes with this one, or it looks like a set A for cddata and a set B for Lawson's). per google trans of course. booking on this is dec15,2010-jan14,2011. but it says the special edition has a limited booking period due to extra contents and tee is a medium. release is feb14,2011.
both look to only ship to japanese address, so go between is needed for both or we need CDJpn to carry both. at least the MV#14 was easy and straightforward. (and it is
Halloween pics!!!!
already ordered it!)