(07-06-2010, 12:13 AM)harumi Wrote: This was a video my exboyfriend showed me that illustrates this in a funny way:
Thanks for all the interesting K.A.Z info and the great pictures! Didn't know he had a sister and furry family members
. What did/do his parents do, is it known - I mean, what jobs did/do they have? As for the ring I mean the ring you can see on the current homepage picture on his index finger. It looks so intersting, like there is a figure on it, but I can't see it clearly - maybe it's even a figure with a guitar? Don't know...
So... I must ask this now
... I never ever heard anything about K.A.Z having a love relationship with someone except with his guitar-chan
- is there anything known? K.A.Z actually seems to be a very shy guy (that's what I find so interesting about him, I mean, if you see the way he looks and then the way he acts in the comments/documentaries and so on - such a nice polite person somehow! my mother-in-law would love him
) and I guess he wants to keep such things out of public, but... I'm curious if there maybe are some bits of info out there. He is fourty now, he must have had some relationships