Junior Member
Shows: Barcelona ~(^0^)~
edit: de puta madre, by the way
RE: to all the K.A.Z experts out there ;-)
love this thread <3
I wanted to know what was tattooed on his legs too, so thanks for the info.
About the tattoo on the right arm, I went through many pictures because I needed to drew it for the karaoke thingy, so I hope I can help with that. It´s really hard to tell, because it´s all coiled up but I think it´s one snake, two flowers and a demon head (or maybe it´s not one, but two snakes, one with the demon head, as iceybabes suggested). There´s something written below the snake, but dunno what does it mean (and I just realized I forgot to draw it :P) (here´s a link, since I don´t know if I´m allowed to insert an image here)
07-05-2010, 09:48 PM |