Shows: ♥Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas♥
(04-01-2010, 07:05 AM)VAMPkito Wrote: Sorry for the double post, but...
I finally watched the documentary myself and I must say I actually thought it was a good documentary. Granted, not quite as good as the other documentaries, but it's still nice. Like H.P. had said, the focus on annoying fans was a bit much, but it seemed to me that it was in a more light-hearted, playing-along-with-it sort of manner. I think my main problem with the DVD stems from its use of things we've already seen or are about to see. I know the NY show was an important landmark to VAMPS, but they spent WAY too much time on it, especially considering that the entire show was broadcast in much higher quality on TV. They showed at least HALF of the performance of SEX BLOOD ROCK N' ROLL, some other song I can't remember right now and don't feel like re-watching the documentary to see which one it was, and MIDNIGHT CELEBRATION. We've seen it already and it's sort of disappointing that there was so much spotlight on the NY show but only one song, usually DOLLY and the end of MIDNIGHT CELEBRATION for every other show.
Once it got to the LA portion things started to take a downhill turn. They started showing footage of the show that was already part of the DVD, which is just a tad ridiculous. But overall, I really liked it. Much like Japanese DVD's, it doesn't give some over-glamorized "WATCH FAMOUS PEOPLE DO COOL SHIT!" documentary. It does its job: Document the events of VAMPS LIVE 2009 in the USA. It also provided nostalgic value to me and held my attention very well.
Honestly, I kind of cried a little when they started playing the recorded version of the live intro of SWEET DREAMS (which I can only hope they'll release in CD format one day) as they drove at night. I've been on the road a lot lately, often forced to leave the state for one stupid reason or the other. I love traveling, don't get me wrong. But the one thing that makes all these trips worth it is the riding at night. There's a certain sense of surreality of watching the stars glimmer in an unfamiliar surrounding, the feeling of time consistently flying by enveloping you. For some reason, it almost makes me want to cry each time, but in doing so, it makes me feel like for a short period of time, a heavy burden is lifted from my shoulder and for the first time in a prolonged period of time, I can finally breathe. To me, that is the sort of thing that part of the DVD reminds me of. Chances are, though, that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the feeling they were trying to invoke though ^^;
Also, as soon as they showed the Baltimore show footage of HELLO. a smile came to my face. I was sort of disappointed that they cut off as soon as the vocals were about to begin for the last chorus of the song, but still. Like every other show, they showed the ending of MIDNIGHT CELEBRATION. Being about in the middle with a lot of tall people in front of me, I couldn't see a lot of things that people were talking about, like HYDE's... um... troubles in the pants. But finally getting a view of it (er... I should probably rephrase that >_>) I can finally see what people mean. Either way, the nostalgic value just utterly blew me away.
I rather enjoyed one of the autograph singing parts in which HYDE says in his best English, "Hi there! How old are you?" and the boy replies, "Nine." It was adorable, and made little kids seem... you know... not annoying! Not just him, either. How all the fans were so shy to talk to HYDE, it made me wonder what would have happened had I been able to attend at least one of the signings.
I could just picture it. My heart thumping loudly against my chest, my hands trembling as I hand them my CD to sign. I manage to stutter out quietly (but loud enough for them to hear, "Th-thank you f-for coming." They offer a sympathetic smile but can't help but giggle at my nervousness. They can feel the heat from my body (though that is not to say they think I'm hot!). K.A.Z opens the CD cover (at the time I did not have the album, so I would have to bring my limited edition I GOTTA KICK START NOW CD), gives his John Hancock below his gray-scale photo and hands the book to HYDE who does the same thing, adding a "To my most unhealthfully obsessed male fan. Love, HYDE. P.S. Here's a number to a psychiatrist. Seriously, check him out" above his signature. He puts the cap back on the pen, closes the CD case and returns it to me and says, "Enjoy the show" in the most friendly way imaginable. I take it slowly but surely and say "Thank you again!" almost crying. All of a sudden, HYDE impulsively embraces me tightly, and tells me how much he longed for a heart as a beautiful as mine. A salty tear streams down my face and onto his shoulder and I say, "I love you." HYDE replies, "I love you too!" K.A.Z watches in protest, wishing HYDE would stop stealing all the good ones. He develops a lifelong depression, wishing he too could have such a warm hug from a person whose heart is as beautiful as HYDE says mine is.. I walk away slowly, looking back as HYDE waves goodbye. I continue crying and return to the line, eagerly awaiting the show scheduled to start four hours later.
Okay, I really should be getting more sleep at night. I actually started writing this about six in the morning (having woke up at approximately 4:30), so yeah. Anyway, so perhaps it wouldn't be THAT exciting, but I could imagine I would be just as much, if not more, of a nervous wreck as the nine-year-old boy or the grown women in the DVD.
Before the conversation is made any more weird and disturbing, I'll sum it up right here. The documentary has its ups and downs but is still very enjoyable, although I wish it had English subtitles so I could understand the documentary as a whole.
LOL ok your story confused me. Oh and BTW Kazu does have someone who's heart is of gold that loves him and would definitely give him a big warm loving Just thought I'd throw that in as a tidbit . I'm in the DVD way more than I ever imagined actually O.o Craziness. I liked the DVD but have not watched it for about a week now since it last made me cry hardcore during the credits. I agree it should have had english subtitles but I guess we can't complain too much. At least they released a DVD from our USA shows :3 I just can't bring myself to watch it again because it's so bittersweet feeling. I mean we'll see them again this year but...the memories from last year are something probably none of us will forget. I really enjoyed the DVD as a whole personally. I hadn't seen things from NYC, Baltimore, Warped, Seattle or Portland. It was interesting to see all the different fans at the shows too, and showing that not all them are anime fans but regular joes/jills some really made me go O.o WTF while others made me go awww then others made me giggle because they so didn't even look like what you'd expect a VAMPS fan to look like. Anyways I enjoyed it and one day I'll get brave again to watch it without fearing I'll bawl like a baby at the end :\
BTW this is me squeezing Hyde's calf to feel how muscle-ish it is:
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2010, 03:05 PM by iceybabes.)