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What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
Junior Member
What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
What will you do if you are given a chance to spend a day with Hyde?
I will...
1. Go eat Soba together
(I have grown to love Soba because of him)
2. Perform singing and playing the guitar for him
(It has always been him performing for us)
3. Go to Karaoke and sing L'arc songs
(It'll surely be funny singing your own songs at a Karaoke!)
4. Go to a pastry/cafe pick cakes or desserts for each other
(He loves eating! Esp sweet stuff as such)
5. Shampoo and wash his hair
(His 200+ hairstyle is like magic. Would love to wash them and see them soft and clean)
6. Disguise and walk around the city/streets
(It will be fun hanging out like normal people and not being Hyde)
7. Take pictures and make stickers from those Japanese Photo Booth
(Something to remind him of his younger days as a teenager if he ever do those stuff)
8. Go to a costume shop and try on all kinds of costume
(He'll look good in everything even if it's Lolita-ish...)
9. Donate blood together
(A vampire donating blood, ironic huh?)
10. Make a scrap book together
(From the collection of things we see, eat, experience and etc in that one day together)
Now what's yours?
10-06-2010, 02:51 PM |
Symphony of Lamentful Lust
Shows: July 16 - Baltimore, Maryland
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
I think the more appropriate question here would be "What wouldn't you do if you could spend a day with HYDE?" AM I RITE?
10-06-2010, 08:50 PM |
Junior Member
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
(10-06-2010, 08:50 PM)VAMPkito Wrote: I think the more appropriate question here would be "What wouldn't you do if you could spend a day with HYDE?" AM I RITE?
You are so right! Coz we can all make an endless list LOL~
10-06-2010, 09:44 PM |
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
what i would'nt do if i could spend a day with hyde?.. definitely karaoke, singing in front of him, my voice will cause damage in his ears, and i don't want him to be deaf
10-07-2010, 06:50 AM |
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
I'd just like to hear him tell me stories of early L'Arc days.
And how he wrote some songs....
Like who is "Sayonara" about or what?
What were his memories that he used to write Hitomi ni Utsuru mono.
How does he really feel about Tetsuya? Who took him to fame. Without
Tetsuya no L'Arc or hyde.
91 to 97. I don't know. Theres so much too him..
Where to start?
Maybe see his record collection lol
10-07-2010, 07:29 AM |
Aria of Destiny
Shows: Santiago, Chile.
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
Awwww, that's such a sweet question! and actually, there are so many things that I would want to do with him that a day won't be enough lol :D But my favourite choices are like, going to a restaurant and eat lots and lots of food <3 (I happen to LOVE eating too lol) and talk about a lot of things, maybe watch some movies... things like that, simple. I would really love to see him just being him, not worrying about anything else... :)
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
- Edgar Allan Poe
10-09-2010, 12:14 AM |
Secret in My Heart
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
If I could spend a day with HYDE and do whatever I want, I want him to marry me. After that I wanted to go with him to the beach to enjoy the time as the couple in general.
I want him to sing a song just for me and asked him about the meaning of some songs that he created. I want to cook the food he likes. And I want us to play with Junior and take photos.
If all of these things can happen.
10-11-2010, 03:47 PM |
Junior Member
Shows: I Astraly Travel To Every And All Vamps Shows!
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
I can't really imagine myself being allowed to spend a day with him. I would just ask him alot of questions that are buring in my mind about him. And then I would ask him if he could give me a job. That way I would be able to see him all the time if he was my boss
"beware of a man or a woman
who is unable to laugh at himself - or at herself
or at the entire Universal pattern of existence
for humor, you see, has as its foundation
a true and deep perception
of both the human and the galactic condition
revealing the person who possesses it
to also possess infinite compassion
and above all - a sense of perfect balance" - Gooberz
10-11-2010, 08:23 PM |
Shows: Sanatiago, Chile
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
(10-11-2010, 08:23 PM)HaidosBadassChickFan Wrote: I can't really imagine myself being allowed to spend a day with him. I would just ask him alot of questions that are buring in my mind about him. And then I would ask him if he could give me a job. That way I would be able to see him all the time if he was my boss 
hhaahahha, I was thinking the same thing! I would be a great manager for Latin America, since I can talk Japanese, English, Portuguese and Spanish!!  ::c'mon -J, it's a great idea!::
And most of all, I love their music! I would be perfect for the job!
10-12-2010, 11:59 AM |
Junior Member
Shows: 10.09.10 NYC Roseland Ballroom
(Also meet and greet winner)
RE: What will you do if you can spend a day with Hyde?
We would go to New York and I'd show him all the tourist stuff. I think he'd enjoy that. I'd take him for pizza and to the top of the empire state building. Stuff like that. Maybe see a Broadway show.
10-13-2010, 10:49 PM |
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