Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - VAMPkito - 11-25-2010
Hello, everyone! It's VAMPkito here to bring you yet another highly controversial thread to provoke flame wars and tension amongst each other wish everyone who celebrates this holiday a very happy Thanksgiving. May your stomachs be filled with turkey, pumpkin pie, and all the other obligatory fattening foods.
Even if you don't celebrate this festive holiday, you can still have fun singing the festive Thanksgiving songs like IT'S SAD by HYD- ... oh wait, no. That's not a good one is it? Well what about Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden...? Oh right, no. Well, what about War Pigs by Black Sabbath... damn it. :X
(The makers of The VAMPkito Show would like to emphasize that no racial tension or offensive nature is intended by these particularly crude "jokes"... that's just an unfortunate side effect and should wear off around Christmastime, at which he'll probably proceed to posting even more offensive, sacrilegious humor.)
RE: Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - Tokio - 11-25-2010
RE: Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - Usagi Hoshino - 11-25-2010
We do not celebrate thanksgiving here but Happy Thanksgiving to all of those in the USA~! ^_^ I love turkey and yams :D and pies! so eat lots of yummy food and enjoy next to those you are thankful for ^_^!
@Vampkito: LoL
RE: Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - kitty - 11-25-2010
xD Happy thanksgiving :D <33
RE: Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - cathb - 11-25-2010
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. Eat, relax, and smile to all who don't.
Also, a belated Happy Birthday to Yuki and an early one to Ken.
RE: Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - tekkichan - 11-26-2010
(11-25-2010, 04:16 PM)VAMPkito Wrote: Hello, everyone! It's VAMPkito here to bring you yet another highly controversial thread to provoke flame wars and tension amongst each other
happy thanksgiving