This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - VAMPS Manager J - 04-04-2009
For all you who were already planning to attend Otakon 2009, now you just need to think about going a day earlier! For all of you that were planning to go see VAMPS... now you have something to do the next day...
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - Tokio - 04-04-2009
I never go to Otakon, but this was pretty perfect planning for those that do. Most people won't even have to adjust their schedules, since they already arrive a day or two early.
I'm (probably) going to be there, so it better be the best concert out of all of them!
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - Viktor19 - 04-04-2009
good idea..
waiting the concert..
cool VAMPS
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - Jazmin - 04-04-2009
I'd be a dream if Hyde-san and KAZ-san would show up like they did in '06! ^^
Sadly this is one life I cannot attend >_<
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - tracycoder - 04-04-2009
(04-04-2009, 09:32 PM)Jazmin Wrote: I'd be a dream if Hyde-san and KAZ-san would show up like they did in '06! ^^
Sadly this is one life I cannot attend >_<
that would be wonderful...but sad at the same time since we wont be at that one >_<
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - missykitty - 04-04-2009
I realized that when I was looking at all the tour dates, and I thought how awesome it was!! This is very convenient and thank you for doing it that way! 8D's also more motivation for me to go to Otakon, since I'll be there already anyway. :P
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - alekzalee - 04-04-2009
Wow the night before Otakon O.o that's awesome~!
I hope that you guys who are going to this show have a great time!! ^^
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - acp0618 - 04-04-2009
Its pretty sweet that you guys planned it like this. I was hoping there was going to be something cool to do in Baltimore after the concert. Was trying to decide which venue to go to but now I'm definitely gonna hit up this one.
(Yay my con season is about to start up <3)
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - Julnyes - 04-04-2009
I won't be attending Otakon, but this might be my second VAMPS show after New York... I am trying to hold off on planning until after the Irving Plaza tickets go on sale.
Right now it is a toss up between attending one of the Warped Tour shows or this one ..
RE: This show is the night before Otakon 2009! - mamikochan - 04-05-2009
great planning, i hope a lot of folks can take advantage of the scheduling. sadly, we won't be able to stay over. but i'm really excited about the show!