L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour - New York - live goods - kamola - 03-02-2012
The premium package includes a World's Best Selection CD Album.
( which has English version of CHASE and XXX )
RE: L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour - New York - live goods - Usagi Hoshino - 03-02-2012
The goods overall are missing some cute useful items like phone charms or toys >o<!
RE: L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour - New York - live goods - Tokio - 03-02-2012
Yeah, seems like pretty generic concert goods.
RE: L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour - New York - live goods - kamola - 03-02-2012
the towel with hood seems interesting but it costs 7,000yen = US$85 (*O*)
RE: L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour - New York - live goods - cathb - 03-02-2012
The prices are in line with what they usually charge for stuff. So my budget is still in place.
RE: L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour - New York - live goods - vegetapr69 - 03-04-2012
But if you go to the gomerch site some stuff its nit that expensive. Althought I made a budget to buy stuff I'll have to think hard what to get...wats premium package though. Again we must be glad that at least vamps sold us nice tour goods in their two tours..