RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - missykitty - 07-10-2009
I think we should do Mission for encore. I mean, the day is here practically, we don't have time left to decide. I think for NYC at least, we should do Mission. If everyone starts sining hopefully people will follow. Let's just tell everyone in line then, instead of shouting encore, when you hear people starting to sing Mission join in! We can try. :')
(I'm gonna try and get the setlist from the stage, [I like collecting setlists] but if I don't, I'm sure all of us together will be able to remember most (all) of the set anyway. :))
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - Saph - 07-10-2009
Yeah, that should be good then. I think that if we can get enough people to participate, VAMPS will be impressed. ^___^ Not to mention happy.
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - marigold - 07-10-2009
Since we obviously want as many fans as possible to sing along, whoever's bringing an mp3 player should tell and share with anyone in line.. my cell phone has an mp3 player, and I'll try to crank it up so whoever's near me can listen and practice ^-^; But ngl...I don't know the lyrics to MISSION >.< Oh and I can't sing for crap.. But I'll bring a print out, in case there are others who don't know the lyrics ^^;
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - Saph - 07-10-2009
Lol, I can't sing for my life, either.
Ooh, I should make sure that I memorize the lyrics as well. XD
I mostly know it, I just don't wanna mess up on the Japanese parts. XD
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - marigold - 07-10-2009
lol I looked at the lyrics just now and totally forgot the song had Japanese parts XD;; >.>;;
Oh and what's gonna happen with SEX BLOOD ROCK N' ROLL? Are we also gonna sing that too? lol not that there's a lot to memorize, but I might print that out too XD
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - Saph - 07-10-2009
Haha, yeah, that would be pretty easy. But when could we sing that? Maybe before the show? XD
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - celeste_ - 07-12-2009
was there singing at the NY show? before the encore, or in line?
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - marigold - 07-12-2009
^ When I got in line (a little over 3pm), and obviously waiting, I didn't hear any singing. But maybe people in the front did? Not sure..
Oh and there was no singing before the encore... which was a shame
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - cathb - 07-12-2009
(07-12-2009, 08:37 PM)marigold Wrote: ^ When I got in line (a little over 3pm), and obviously waiting, I didn't hear any singing. But maybe people in the front did? Not sure..
Oh and there was no singing before the encore... which was a shame 
Just a about organizing to sing Mission just as they come back on stage for the second encore? Perhaps if they hear all of the fans singing it, they will take it from there and keep on going? ????
RE: -Singing for VAMPS- - Usagi Hoshino - 07-12-2009
We couldn't get organized enough to sing x_x we could barely breathe. Many people fainted on the frist 4 rows x_x and they were carried out ;_; someone threw a shoe x_x to the stage but a security officer got it before it landed x_x