RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - Steph - 06-08-2010
I LOVE THE SONG! Hyde sounds so hot!
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - derMauersegler - 06-08-2010
(06-08-2010, 05:22 AM)VAMPkito Wrote: Also something of interest-
The making of ANGEL TRIP
(Actually, I'm kind of disappointed in this particular MAKING OF thing. It felt shorter and pointless. I guess that's because there just wasn't much making to show.)
Thanks for posting it anyway . Is there a making of Devil Side anywhere btw?
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - VAMPkito - 06-08-2010
(06-08-2010, 06:20 AM)derMauersegler Wrote: Thanks for posting it anyway . Is there a making of Devil Side anywhere btw?
The DVD for DEVIL SIDE does not come with a Making Of video, so no. But I mean, do you REALLY want to see what went on behind the scenes of such a video? =P (...yes)
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - derMauersegler - 06-08-2010
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - M.A.R. - 06-08-2010
FUK YES!! ^^ not wat i expected but i cant wait to mosh to this in Oct. xD
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - tekkichan - 06-08-2010
making of devil side? oooo can we expect hyde kiss the girl over and over untill he can do it right? wkwkwk thank god they didn't put the making on the DVD
i hope they'll put both live wire and this kyuketsu performance in the next year DVD
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - iletrada - 06-08-2010
This new song made me really happy ;9 it´s more powerful than the first version, and Hyde´s voice is gorgeous!*thinks about hearing this song live and foams*
It´s nice that this single contains two songs so different.
*keeps banging head*
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - glamorousdreamer - 06-08-2010
I'm in love with "KYUKESTU-SATSUGAI" already, first listen just occurred right now. It's freakin' awesome. I can't contain how much I wanna hear it LIVE.
It's rockin' man, I think it's my favourite B-side officially now. So far I've liked all of them too~
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - Guest - 06-08-2010
I thought it was pretty average. I wonder if this new album can be better than Vamps.
Which will be better Vamps or "Beast"...
RE: KYUKETSU - SATSUGAI - VAMPS Ver. - polarwhiteseal - 06-08-2010
I hope BEAST really steps it up. The two singles they released are okay imho.