RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - Usagi Hoshino - 05-23-2009
yay!! I'm glad we are able to support them ^__^!! I may be able to send more money for facebook and My space next week :D
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - Jazmin - 05-24-2009
Thanks Usagi!
I will send some money for facebook as soon as the bank clears my check this monday ^^ Thanks to you too H.P. for taking care of that *hugs*
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - tracycoder - 05-24-2009
Has anyone saw the ad yet? this is is second day running.. If you happen to see it screen cap it if you dont mind.
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - Jazmin - 05-24-2009
Yes please! I see the statistics and it says it's being view an average of 1,200 times an hour and so far between yesterday and today been clicked 27 times!!
Yet i havent seen it >_< If you do! Dont click on it but please do screencap it for us ^^ THANKS!
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - tracycoder - 05-24-2009
Just one more thing, I edit the myspace advertising thread everyday with the statistics of the ad if anyone is interested in seeing how many clicks/views it is getting.
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - cathb - 05-24-2009
I just got home from San Diego. Two Japanese markets and one Japanese novelty/department store now have stacks of VAMPS flyers. Mitsuwa Market removed its advertising bins and has a community bulletin board instead so I taped a flyer on it. Mine was the only one in color so it really stands out!
The flyers are the same as the ones on my car....and will be on my t-shirt hopefully after tomorrow. I have painfully discovered that fabric markers and myself do not get
Here is my flyer. Thanks to Tokio for letting use the VAMPS logo from this site.
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - tracycoder - 05-25-2009
Those two radio stations should have my packages by now we should pick a day to call them and request one of vamps songs all day maybe if we all call them and request the same song over and over they will eventually listen to us.
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - VAMPS + American Street Team + - 05-25-2009
(05-25-2009, 06:03 PM)tracycoder Wrote: Those two radio stations should have my packages by now we should pick a day to call them and request one of vamps songs all day maybe if we all call them and request the same song over and over they will eventually listen to us.
Agreed. When shall we start? Tomorrow?
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - tracycoder - 05-25-2009
^ sounds good to me. what song should we request?
RE: Vamps Sponsors & Promoting Ideas - VAMPS + American Street Team + - 05-25-2009
(05-25-2009, 11:08 PM)tracycoder Wrote: ^ sounds good to me. what song should we request?
Well, personally I'd go with "LOVE ADDICT" first, but it's up to you guys. So, let me know which song has been decided and if everyone's cool with calling in tomorrow. ;)
Oh, I also got some packaging materials ready to send out some CD's. I'll send them to S.F., San Diego, Seattle, Vegas, and New York if one hasn't already been sent.
(05-19-2009, 05:16 PM)iceybabes Wrote: I've been hitting the Online Japanese radio stations. They are based in the USA but play nothing but Japanese music. I've been requesting Vamps and today I heard EVANESCENT on AOL radio ^^
Also I think Twitter would be a good place to promote as well. I made a twitter account for vamps:
*all the other vamps names were taken lol*
There is a few other magazines too one is called "Anime" I do believe and they have had L'Arc ad's in them before. I'll have to look through my mags again to see which ones were promoting L'arc on their America concert.
So did I several months ago: