VAMPS International - L'Arc~en~Ciel International

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I have been keeping up with this topic since I REALLY want to go to the Vegas show. I'm driving from Dallas, TX.

I was wondering where all everyone was coming from to see the Vegas show. I know I've seen that people are coming from Michigan and such. Just thought it'd be neat to see where every one is from.

I'm from Peru ^^ but I'll be going from DC since I'll also attend to 3 of the first lives on the east coast ^^
I'm coming from Texas.
Kentucky here.. I wanted to go to all of the lives but money wise I just can't make it so I had to pick east coast or west coast and since there more shows on the west coast I'm heading there.
I'm coming from Michigan ^^ I decided to go to Las Vegas cause I'm going with someone else who is paying my way and they wanted to go to Vegas. I think Vegas will be a lot of fun hopefully and I like that the venue is only 500; as long as I can get tickets XD
teexxxasss (:

houston hehe, <3

me & my mother are going but we rather ride with someone. but we cant find anybody ):
Southern California.....northern part of San Diego county.
(04-13-2009, 08:31 PM)Love_Addict Wrote: [ -> ]teexxxasss (:

houston hehe, <3

me & my mother are going but we rather ride with someone. but we cant find anybody ):

I'm going with my father ^^ I'm surprised he actually -wants- to go to the concert. He usually picks on my music. But he says he wants to see what this jrock thing is all about XD
(04-13-2009, 09:20 PM)Yumeko Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-13-2009, 08:31 PM)Love_Addict Wrote: [ -> ]teexxxasss (:

houston hehe, <3

me & my mother are going but we rather ride with someone. but we cant find anybody ):

I'm going with my father ^^ I'm surprised he actually -wants- to go to the concert. He usually picks on my music. But he says he wants to see what this jrock thing is all about XD

Tell your dad that he picked one of the best shows to attend to Icon_blaugh
Hehe he keeps teasing me saying he's going to go up to the stage and get Hyde's autograph and take a picture with him XD
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