Well i'm pretty sure most of you have heard of the mess that was the NY show regarding behavior. i don't want that to happen at Wasted Space for a few reasons:
1. Im sure everyone wants to enjoy the show without out being uncomfortable,injured,etc.
2. It's a very small venue, so it could get bad fast.
3.We don't want to leave VAMPS with a bad impression of us, we can show our VAMPS spirit without turning into rabid animals.
4.For some people including myself, can only go to one show and we want to make it the best night ever for everyone.
Since Wasted Space is in the Hard Rock Hotel i'm pretty sure they wont let anyone camp out a few days before. There are other bands playing the days before July 27 so, you would get caught up in a mess anyway.There will be security at the show so refrain from getting yourself in trouble. If someone is being disrespectful to you or anyone else, PLEASE report them to a security guard immediately! If there is anymore questions please ask.
Ditto that. You have no idea the pain one feels after that kind of craziness it feels like REALLY high fever x_x without the fever but the symptoms. Please people be considerate!
Basically it's called common courtesy and common sense. I understand seeing VAMPS might be a "once in a life time" thing but with Wasted Space being 400 people there is no reason for anyone to act like a wild cat. I think "treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself" is a good saying. If hitting/kicking etc is happening especially in front row report it to security. That is why they are there, not only for the band's safety but for our safety as well.
Thanks for posting this thread Malicious. ;)
Yea I agree lets work together to make this an enjoyable event and be able to walk afterwards, but we can all still have fun without being rude
Yeah, I've been hearing all of this stuff that has happened at the NYC show, and I'm kinda scared! I remember being scared of seeing Dir en Grey for the first time, but it was nice! People were considerate and gave everyone space to jump around and everything! We Arizonans didn't like the moshpits and stepped away from them... So hearing how crazy it got in NYC and all of the stories I've heard are making me reeeeally anxious @_@
What scares me especially is that there are a lot of people who don't have an account on this forum, so they don't have the chance of reading this...
yea maybe the vegas street team leaders could tell people in line or something I'm a little worried to I dont want to be trampled o_0
(07-14-2009, 04:46 PM)Chels0L Wrote: [ -> ]yea maybe the vegas street team leaders could tell people in line or something I'm a little worried to I dont want to be trampled o_0
Well try to let the word out to ppl somehow, but ppl can only do it if they want to after we say something, so hopefully everyone is nice, haha n my authority as a team leader can only go so far ( i dont wanna get ppl mad at me or get beat up by ppl >.<)
(07-14-2009, 07:23 PM)malicious Wrote: [ -> ] (07-14-2009, 04:46 PM)Chels0L Wrote: [ -> ]yea maybe the vegas street team leaders could tell people in line or something I'm a little worried to I dont want to be trampled o_0
Well try to let the word out to ppl somehow, but ppl can only do it if they want to after we say something, so hopefully everyone is nice, haha n my authority as a team leader can only go so far ( i dont wanna get ppl mad at me or get beat up by ppl >.<)
Oh yea thats true

I agree. There's no reason to be noticed for bad behavior. If Hyde or Kaz remember you, make it because of how nice or funny you are, not because you went to a concert and started a fight or something silly.
Dunno what happened in New York, but hopefully everyone is okay.