VAMPS International - L'Arc~en~Ciel International

Full Version: Portland Flickr photostream
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Hi all!

I thought I'd make a Flickr account for the Portland show. Someplace where we can have pictures of the fliers, or pictures of anything VAMPS/Portland-related. You can find it here:

So far, there's just a few photos of some of the fliers that I made and some of the official ones. I didn't take pictures of everything I posted. Tomorrow I'll be out on the town posting more, so I'll try to do better with the photos!

If anyone has any photos they would like to add to the account, PM me and I will send my email address if you don't have it already. Or alternatively you can upload them to Photobucket or somewhere else and just let me know and I'll grab them and add them to the photostream and tag them and stuff.

(07-06-2009, 12:17 AM)celeste_ Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all!

I thought I'd make a Flickr account for the Portland show. Someplace where we can have pictures of the fliers, or pictures of anything VAMPS/Portland-related. You can find it here:

So far, there's just a few photos of some of the fliers that I made and some of the official ones. I didn't take pictures of everything I posted. Tomorrow I'll be out on the town posting more, so I'll try to do better with the photos!

If anyone has any photos they would like to add to the account, PM me and I will send my email address if you don't have it already. Or alternatively you can upload them to Photobucket or somewhere else and just let me know and I'll grab them and add them to the photostream and tag them and stuff.


I like your fliers. They are really colorful and catch the eye.
(07-06-2009, 12:21 AM)cathb Wrote: [ -> ]I like your fliers. They are really colorful and catch the eye.


Some of them are extra eye-catchy because I got bored while watching TV and outlined the VAMPS logos (and HYDE's eyes) in metallic glittery gel pen. Icon_biggrin
(07-06-2009, 12:29 AM)celeste_ Wrote: [ -> ]Some of them are extra eye-catchy because I got bored while watching TV and outlined the VAMPS logos (and HYDE's eyes) in metallic glittery gel pen. Icon_biggrin

I loved the yellow outlined one Icon_biggrin
did you mail those pics to Ai Aota? (even if the official flyers are just a few)
(07-06-2009, 12:50 AM)MadSerena Wrote: [ -> ]I loved the yellow outlined one Icon_biggrin
did you mail those pics to Ai Aota? (even if the official flyers are just a few)

LOL thanks Icon_biggrin
Yes, I emailed her the link to the Flickr page so she can see them all.
FYI I got a ton of little postcard flyers and a few posters and made some more of my own flyers, so last weekend I went all over the place distributing them.

I uploaded some of the pictures to the Flickr stream:
And I've updated the Flickr page again... now it has pictures of the staff thank-you card and the banner!
(07-23-2009, 12:43 AM)celeste_ Wrote: [ -> ]And I've updated the Flickr page again... now it has pictures of the staff thank-you card and the banner!


I didn't see the banner with all the messages/drawings
thanks for bringing lots of sharpies of multiple colors
awesome banner is awesome
the book for the staff was also so pretty Icon_3nodding
Thanks for updating the flickr page with banner and staff book pictures! It's nice to see everyones' comments! Btw, my comment is on page 7 in the tour staff book...and I spelled honored wrong at I was so nervous that's why..and I wrote pretty big. Hope their was enough room for everyone to sign. And wow alot of people signed the banner, that's great. Hope Vamps were happy to see it! :)
Hahah I remember that! I probably wasn't helping because I was standing there watching people sign the book! Oh well! XD
Well, the pictures of the book are from after we got it signed. Not everyone got to sign it... I'd say it got 2/3 of the way down the line. I wish we'd had more time, but people were writing more in it I think and it was just going way slower down the line. The banner made it to the end but then people kept coming and coming! At some point we just had to say sorry to the people who were showing up so late and just rolled it up. And then I snatched up the book and ran up to the front as soon as the venue staff showed up and gave it to them and got back to my spot in line!

Oh and we tied MadSerena's gift to the banner... she came all the way from Chile and I wanted to make sure that VAMPS got her little present since she had come so far for them! Icon_biggrin
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